About Us

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Who is Student Connections?

We’re a company that works on behalf of hundreds of colleges, universities, and other schools to help their former students successfully repay their student loans. Our services are FREE to student loan borrowers.

Help Making Payments

If you can’t afford your monthly student loan payments, we can help. Depending on your situation, you may qualify for zero-dollar payments.

Loan Information

If you need information on your student loans, we can help.

Repayment Options

If you’re confused by your repayment options and need help choosing a plan that’s right for you, we can help.

Our Services are Free to Borrowers

Schools pay us to help you. You will never pay a fee for our services. Use the resources on our website to help yourself or contact one of our Borrower Advocates for personalized loan counseling.

Why is Student Connections calling me?

Your former school is one of our clients. They’ve asked us to contact you in case you need help with your student loans. We can answer any questions you have about repayment, retrieve your payment information, or help you find a new repayment plan that suits your needs. No matter the size of your problem, we can help. Contact us today!

Why does Student Connections ask for my birthdate when you call?

We need some way to confirm your identity when we talk to you. Your birthdate is personal information that only you and the people you share it with are likely to know. It’s also not as sensitive as your social security number. By checking your answer against our records, we maintain a level of security without requesting more sensitive data.

Is Student Connections a legit company?

If we contacted you directly, you can verify our identity through your former school's financial aid office. Your school hired us and they should be aware of the work we’re doing on their behalf.

If you found our site through a search engine, your school may not be aware of our services. There are other ways for you to feel confident we’re legit:

  • Google “Student Connections.” Most first-page results are to our website, social media, company profiles on various sites and schools citing our services.
  • View our profile on the Better Business Bureau’s website.

We understand your caution. Student loan borrowers are being actively targeted by scammers, so you’re right to be careful. To learn more about avoiding scam companies, read this article.

Corporate Background on Student Connections

Student Connections is a division of Loan Science. We’re passionate about helping students overcome the financial barriers that can get in the way of attending college, completing their programs of study, and achieving success after graduation.